The Keys 2 Yes
Home Ownership Programs for People with Blemished Credit
Buying a home is one of life's most worthwhile endeavors. It is the American Dream.
However, for many people, this dream is just that... a dream.

The Keys 2 Yes can help you help your clients make that dream a Reality!

Our dedicated team of specialists will show your clients:
How to improve their credit scores and correct their blemished credit

Help them develop a Financial Plan that will show them how to budget, manage money and become accountable for the funds that come in and go out of their household

Instruct them on various ways to increase their income and save money for the down payment

Teach them how to protect their assets

Teach them the basic fundamentals of Real Estate Investing

With your help, guide them through the Buying Process and help them get the best deal for their money
Sign up for FREE and begin helping your clients achieve their goal of home ownership!
Click on Button to Enroll
In your career, you have undoubtedly encountered customers that did not qualify for a mortgage and as a result, you lost money!
Become a Sponsor
By becoming a sponsor of The Keys 2 Yes Personalized Home Buyer Plan Program in your local area, you can help those customers find the education and tools that they need to restore their credit and improve their financial situation, turning unqualified customers into clients!

In addition, you will be featured as a local Professional Representative of The Personalized Home Buyer Plan Program on our website and qualify to earn compensation for those clients that sign up for the program!

Sign up Today!